A single words from Doctor has changed my life...
I failed my first IVF trial in October 2015. I failed another 2 trials of IVF after that and these incidents had given me a big impact....
Menopause at 28!?
My husband was 29 and I was 25 when we got married in 2010. Both of us enjoyed in the world of two and also due to busy working schedule,...
The Lower the AMH Index, The Lower The Pregnancy Rate?
I got married when I was 32 years old. My menstrual cycle had been regular and normal. However, I did not get pregnant after trying for 1...
We never thought pregnancy would be such a tough journey...
In those days when we were just married, we never thought that having a child would be this difficult. I thought we were young and fit...
22周宝宝发育不全离开了,婚后6年喜迎第一胎 打从2009年结婚到现在,算一算也6个年头…… 光阴似箭,时间不留人!咱们迟婚,现在一个38一个44, 不算老,但已经不再年轻唷! 自知之明,从结婚那一天开始就展开备孕路程,一点也不怠慢。月经一直都很准的我,每个周期保持25天到...